Ruty design news

Jeff's very special bow tie opening video

Jeff's very special bow tie opening video

..  Combat Sports Announcer for ACB, ROAD FC looks perfect with our ties. Happy for collaboration with dear Jeff Houston! We are impressed by his wonderful voice, enthusiasm and professionalism. It's amazing that he is always on top of things and has contributed to our most outstanding collection  

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Link to the interesting reading "The Bow Tie: History Reinventing..."

Link to the interesting reading "The Bow Tie: History Reinventing..."

It is interesting to learn about the history of the bow tie. Worth reading. Maybe someday our Hopper ties You will found it into the pages of bow tie history.

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Celebrate at the Capital Days Festival

Celebrate at the Capital Days Festival

Visit us at the fair and try on the most unique ties in the world!  I'm waiting You at Odminų square in Vilnius this  weekend.    

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Recommendations for a new Hopper tie owner

Recommendations for a new Hopper tie owner

Some tips to help you get to know your new piece of jewelry, feel comfortable, and take full advantage of it:• Each time you wear the accessory, we recommend that you shake the tie pleats with your fingers. If the pleats flatten in a box (or wearing a coat), feel free to adjust and our Hopper ties will look like beautiful textile sculptures again. Prominent shapes are the trump cards of this accessory!• The upper part of the body of the Hopper tie should not be hidden under the collar.• Do not tighten the neck strap or lift the accessory too...

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Stunning wedding in Norway "Steampunk Party"

Stunning wedding in Norway "Steampunk Party"

We recently received a thank you from our customers. The wedding in Norway was wonderful and our accessory "Hopper tie" received not only many compliments but also a prize for its unique originalityCustomers wrote us: "By the way, your "Hopper ties" won the hearts of the wedding attendees with their originality, high-end craftsmanship and tasteful details - we even won the evening prize for the most stylish accessories"

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